Robert Whitman: F***ed Up In Minneapolis
Image: Robert Whitman, F***ed Up In Minneapolis, installation view / ©Robert Whitman ©Black & White Gallery/Project Space
Press Release / December 9, 2011 - January 14, 2012
The highlight of this exhibition is the personal collection of original Polaroids taken by Robert Whitman of his friends partying in his apartment in Minneapolis in the early 80s.
In F***ed Up In Minneapolis, the New York-based photographer Robert Whitman has fashioned both a tribute to his formative years as an artist and a group self-portrait defining the 80's through the individuals who were the willing participants of the scene. Arranged throughout the gallery space, these Polaroids possess an uncanny power and comprise, over time, a phantom-like collection of people dreaming of and playing in other realities, even as, together, they offer a memorial to collective experience.
Robert Whitman did not begin his career in photography until he was in his mid-twenties, and has worked for numerous magazines, including Travel & leisure, Allure, and Glamour. Throughout his career he has been documenting the experience of a place or a perception in time.