FABLES series by Joseph Bochynski features twenty five mosaic bricolage roundels where lofty religious references and longstanding art historical traditions are represented with humble materials. Ceramic tiles that would otherwise be used for kitchens and bathrooms are combined with kitsch figurines collected from thrift stores and toys cast aside by the artist’s two daughters Nicolina and Natasha, ages 4 and 2 to create bricolage roundels inspired by the Renaissance works of the della Robbia family.
In Renaissance Florence, three generations of the della Robbia family created tin-glazed terracotta relief sculptures. Many of these works were roundels that were incorporated into the ornamentation of architectural facades and interiors. Inspired by the bright colors and reflective sheen. Bochynski uses his preferred medium of construction tile to make his own modern roundels. Imagery quoted from art history such as the Bayeux embroidery and the drawings of Villard de Honnecourt intermingle with broken tiles and found objects to tell invented stories that are at once humorous and ominous.
I started to appreciate the value of storytelling/allegories as I would read or make up stories with my daughters. They would devour even the most absurd tales to pass the time—especially the long, long days we spent together during the pandemic. Additionally, while visiting the Met and the Met Cloisters, I began seeing the work through my daughter’s eyes as figures engaging with each other, rather than all that art history, color, composition, etc. that I was accustom to. Think John Bergers. After freeing myself from the weight of formal and historical constructs, the stories came naturally. Some blunt and ham fisted, some poetically vague. All using the physical and material culture we are surrounded by.
Companions, 2021
Mosaic bricolage (tile, metal and ceramic vessels) on panel, 12” x 12” x 4”
Two vessels float down the East River, one is metal, the other ceramic. Quickly the ceramic breaks and sinks. Equals make the best friends. From Aesop’s “The Two Pots”.
A Sugar Maple From Lucy’s Eyes, 2021
Mosaic bricolage (tile, ceramic tray) on panel
12” x 12” x 3”
A sugar maple sprouts from the disembodied eyes of St. Lucy.
Tenues Tactus, 2022
Mosaic bricolage (tile, plastic skeleton arms) on panel, 12” x 12” x 2”
Kate Moss declares in Latin “Nil Gustat Summum Bonum Quod Tenues Tactus”, or “Nothing tastes as good as thin feels”.
Amicable, 2021
Mosaic bricolage (tile, figurines, trophy) on panel 12” x 12” x 3”
Divorce arrangements are settled between Dad and Mom at the lawyers office.
Shakyamuni and Prabhutaratna, 2021
Mosaic bricolage (tile, Norman Rockwell plates) on panel, 12” x 12” x 2”
A buddha is teaching on a mountaintop when a buddha from the past appears and validates the lesson. In this case, a matriarch appears in Appalachia to her descendent.
Working Animals, 2021
Mosaic bricolage (tile, animal puzzle pieces) on panel, 12” x 12” x 2”
Two gleeful animal art handlers prepare Robert Motherwell’s “Elegy to the Spanish Republic” at MoMA.
Late Harvest, 2021
Mosaic bricolage (tile, toy thermometer) on panel 12” x 12” x 2”
Grapes wither on the vine while a child’s toy thermometer loses it’s levity in the context of perpetual temperature checks in 2020/2021.
Gardener’s Dilemma, 2021
Mosaic bricolage (tile, figurine, salt shakers) on panel,12” x 12” x 3”
The gardener and their child choose between rows of carrots and a dog.
The Frog King, 2020
Mosaic bricolage (tile, figurine) on panel
12” x 12” x 4”
A community of frogs ask heaven for a king. Down from the sky falls a log to be their leader. Here, the log has become a Trumpesque golfer falling head first into Pepe The Frog’s swamp. From Aesop’s “The Frogs Who Desired a King”.
Sing For Your Supper, 2021
Mosaic bricolage (tile, trophy) on panel
12” x 12” x 4”
A blood sport is enacted for the patrician’s entertainment. Figures are from the 11th c. Sketchbook of Villard de Honnecourt.
Sebastian Fishing, 2021
Tile mosaic on panel, 12” x 12” x 2”
St. Sebastian is reimagined as a bear looking for dinner but is shot with arrows by unseen hunters.
Welcome Aboard!, 2022
Mosaic bricolage (tile, brass bells) on panel
12” x 12” x 2”
Sebastian Brant’s “Ship of Fools” is repurposed for the corporate HR department.
The Kiss, 2022
Tile mosaic on panel,12” x 12” x 2”
Judas kisses Jesus surrounded by overwhelming patterns and decorations taken from illuminated manuscripts.
Things Seen, 2021
Mosaic bricolage (tile, rubber nipples, compass) on panel, 12” x 12” x 3”
Scholars consult the stars searching for universal truths. The middle figure uses a compass, an inversion of “The Ancient of Days” by William Blake. The two side figures look through rubber nipples aimlessly.
Things Unseen, 2022
Mosaic bricolage (tile, figurines) on panel
12” x 12” x 3”
Three headless men levitate in the woods from unseen forces.
Stranger Comes Knocking, 2021
Mosaic bricolage (tile, composite wood apostles, teething toy) on panel,12” x 12” x 3”
Men cower in the medieval city as a stranger approaches. Whether a teething toy, animal or a sex toy, it is to be feared by men.
The Farmer and The Snake, 2020
Mosaic bricolage (tile, figurines) on panel
12” x 12” x 3”
A farmer allows a snake in his garden but then it bites his child. He kills the snake with a hatchet. From Aesop’s “The Snake and The Farmer”.
A Journey With Friends, 2020
Mosaic bricolage (tile, figurines) on panel
12” x 12” x 3”
Two bears walk through the woods, a man-predator approaches. One abandons the other and runs up a tree, the other plays dead. From Aesop’s “The Bear and Two Travelers”.
Bend or Break, 2020
Mosaic bricolage (tile, porcelain fragments, seashells) on panel, 12” x 12” x 4”
A mighty oak breaks in a strong wind while humble reeds bend and survive. From Aesop’s “The Oak and The Reed”.
The Medallion, 2021
Mosaic bricolage (tile, lock board toy) on panel 12” x 12” x 2”
Medici’s hands hold door number 5, which reveals death in the form of Jonah and the Whale.
Measurements, 2022
Mosaic bricolage (tile, painted pine cones) on panel,12” x 12” x 3”
A man’s face and accomplishments are measured against unknown standards. Inspired by Providence’s Federal Hill neighborhood.
Dreams, 2022
Mosaic bricolage (tile, plastic action figure) on panel, 12” x 12” x 2”
A sleeper dreams of the temple being saved by Spider Man. Adapted from the Christian mythology.
Controlled Burn, 2021
Mosaic bricolage (tile, figurines) on panel
12” x 12” x 3”
A king and squire from the Bayeux Embroidery sit in a burning tent while teddy bears oversee the regicide.
She Built a House, 2020
Mosaic bricolage (tile, ceramic tea box) on panel 12” x 12” x 3”
A woman wanted a house with a view, so she built it in a cloud. Sadly, no one could reach her to visit and she was lonely.
Dog With Two Collars, 2020
Mosaic bricolage (tile, figurines, chain, paperweight) on panel 12” x 12” x 4”
A mischievous dog is given a collar of shame as punishment, but the dog thinks it’s a badge of honor. From Aesop’s “The Mischievous Dog”.